Thursday, November 08, 2007

HOMEWORK: Thursday, November 8

Language Arts: read 20 minutes
Book Talk #3 (December 3)

Math: Percent Assignment p. 19
Numberworks 19/20 (Friday)

Spelling: List 9 Quiz and Exercises (Wednesday)

Science: Cell Diagrams (plant and animal)

Phys. Ed: clothes

Teacher's Choice: headphones for computer exercise

Things to remember....
Ball Hockey starts Tuesday (November 13) 6-7:30pm.
Magazine Campaign 2007: Just Keep Selling, Just Keep Selling!!

Don't forget to wear your poppy tomorrow!

HOMEWORK LUNCH: This is a new program that is going to be taking place during Middle School noon hour. If homework is not completed, students will be spending their lunch with Mrs. Harvey until all incomplete assignments are completed.